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All Discussions
How import works
MiniScript language 1.6.1 and command-line MiniScript 1.2.1
Add Farmtonics to the Applications section of the forums
Wanted [PAID]: social media manager to help connect the MiniScript community
Working on a Sokoban game
MiniBasic - calculator
C# Embedding Example (standard IO redirect?) or other API examples?
Made my first code today
2nd Annual Robo-Reindeer Rumble competition!
What makes an action game good
Input needed on adding +=, -=, etc. to MiniScript
Can't find function name after Compile
print without line break?
Miniscript CGI programming
Device's rotation
Mouse detection in mobile version
MiniScript Proof of Concept Working in the Browser with WebAssembly
New book: "Introduction to Computer Programming"
Hlw do I make joints?
If it's made on mobile can it be played on PC?
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