So I just got home for the day, started up my computer, ran minimicro, copied a file froma USB to my minicro user disk via file explorer, then did a "dir" in minimicro. Here's a screenshot of my file explorer listing vs the minimicro listing
As you can see, the two script files are not showing the in minimicro window. I went down a level and back up, no change, Changed to /sys and back, no change. Tried to load one of the files I couldn't see, got this error
sidenote: cd".." from /usr returns "invalid path" but it seems to have changed directory, since justa "dir" after that keeps returning the error.
Changing to the qixotic subdirectory works, and a dir returns the files there.
Closing minimicro and starting it again restores functionality.
sidenote #2: trying to edit without a file loaded, using anything in quotes returns "Runtime Error: Too Many Arguments [line 1]", which a cryptic way of saying "I can’t edit that, it's lot loaded"...