Just wanted to say, I’ve just completed step 1 in the Unity integration guide, and got it to work first try! This is not what I expected, as traditionally, integrating 3rd party tools into something usually comes with a host of caveats, so I’m very happy.
Of course there’s a long way to go, but the fact I was just able to write a miniscript program in a string, and send it into the interpreter, snd watch the console output is great! The hardest oart was escaping all the “ I wanted for the print statements.
One suggestion & one question.
The question is, that you’ve used ‘;’ to stuff all the in-line miniscript code on one line. Is that the recommended way to go, and is a manual “\n” required each line to do elsewise?
The suggestion is, in the instructions, to use the Euler angle in the rot command, as it allows easy checking of the passed value against the inspector value, to check everything is working.