Is there a list of the sizes that a fullscreen window will resize to? Im making a windowManager to dynamically scale the window and sprites inside it so that the game is the same size for everyone, but i cant find anything about fullscreen sizes in the code. Thanks
EDIT: I got chatgpt to generate the most common aspect ratios. Will these be accurate when put in fullscreen?
// All window sizes with aspect ratios
windowSizes = [
[640, 480, "4:3"], [800, 600, "4:3"], [1024, 768, "4:3"], [1280, 720, "16:9"],
[1280, 800, "16:10"], [1366, 768, "16:9"], [1440, 900, "16:10"], [1600, 900, "16:9"],
[1600, 1200, "4:3"], [1680, 1050, "16:10"], [1920, 1080, "16:9"], [1920, 1200, "16:10"],
[2048, 1536, "4:3"], [2560, 1080, "21:9"], [2560, 1440, "16:9"], [2560, 1600, "16:10"],
[3000, 2000, "3:2"], [3440, 1440, "21:9"], [3840, 1080, "32:9"], [3840, 1600, "21:9"],
[3840, 2160, "16:9"], [4500, 3000, "3:2"], [5120, 1440, "32:9"]