It is time again to talk about what happened with "Starfarer". After 2 weeks progress slowed down a little since the initial rush is over but we are still going strong 💪 adding features and refactoring the code every day. So here a picture of the current status:
At first, you might say: "Hold up! That looks very similar to last week.", and you are right to say that but there are some crucial changes.
Stations are now modeled
Some work went into the data you can see in the station's UI on the right. Last week that was all fake data but this week the UI represents a real space station your ship is currently visiting.
The observant under you might have spotted the small button on the top right saying "NAV". Well, this button leads to a whole new view displaying a star-map and showing a button where we can change the space station we are currently at.
Here we see the star map (yes it is currently clashing with the background image) of stars that are procedurally generated and displayed as well as a jump button that once pressed takes us to a new station.
In this case a station with only food available.
The near future
To achieve our current subgoals we need to implement a money counter so that buying and selling commodities does actually change the amount of money our trading crew possesses. But then we achieved everything we set out to do in v0.2. So probably back to the planning game deciding on the next features. I am also currently working on adding more types of widgets to the UI system that we need to use in the future. So very exciting stuff!
As always check out our progress at: and join the discussion on Discord.
(If at any point your eyes can't handle the programmer art any more contact us, we are still very much looking for artists.)