A new MiniScript-based project has just launched a KickStarter campaign: Gamelodge!
Gamelodge is a game development environment and ecosystem. It features online live coding, i.e. you can create and change the game while you and other players are in it!
The goal with Gamelodge is to create a development experience that lets you create and build games quickly and fluidly.
There’s no compiling, building, or importing. You just make what you want to make, and if people like your work they can seamlessly expand your creation.
All coding is done in Miniscript, a new language that focuses on simplicity and readability. Gamelodge includes a built-in code editor designed specifically for Miniscript, so it auto-formats and auto-highlights keywords and errors in your code.
It also has a really cool record & playback feature. Your last play-through is automatically saved and can be replayed while you change the camera angle to get a better view, which is great for debugging (and also for making promo videos!). You can even change the scripts or scene, and then replay the recording to see if you've fixed the problem!
I'm super excited about this. Success of one MiniScript project is success for us all. So please back this project if you can! (And when your own MiniScript-based project is ready to announce, be sure to let me know!)